Wednesday, September 19, 2007

That can't be a good sign, either.

I'd like to preface this with something:


Here I am, in Japan, the Otaku Mecca, and the best way I can find to spend my time is to putz around on the web, or aimlessly ride the train, when I'm not slaving away studying?
I mean, seriously. I've been here for weeks, and I haven't been abducted by aliens, sent back to feudal Japan, been contacted by a spirit, found a giant robot, saved the world
Okay, maybe I'm not being too realistic...

But I have been here a while, and haven't done ANYTHING relevant to my geeky interests. In fact, aside from that trip to Kyoto, I haven't really done...


And there's a three-day weekend coming up, and I actually won't be sick this time (hopefully).

So what should I do? Or maybe the better question is, who should I do it with? I still haven't exactly made any... "friends" per se.

There are a few people I pal around with, but I'm still not really in any solid groups. One of my "pals" is doing something interesting: Going to the Tokyo Game Show (think Japanese E3, open to the public for 10 bucks a pop), followed by a huge Japanese rave. I was very tempted to invite myself along with him and his buddies, but I found out that they have made arrangements weeks in advance for transportation, etc., so we wouldn't have been able to go together, anyway.

And as cool as it sounds, I don't think I want to go to a huge event like that alone.

I guess the only thing I can do is search the web for some interesting things to do in Kyoto or Osaka, and go all by myself.
:| Whee.

Oh, well.... it could still be fun, I guess. You take in more when you're alone, anyway.

On to the title of the post:
For about a day, I thought things were going well with the new roomy. We got along, he slept in the room, and above all, things were NORMAL.

Then came the next day. Or, yesterday.

This time, he wanted to go to sleep, and I still had studying to do. So, to try to be accommodating, I pulled my books, notebooks, and computer into the common area to study there.

A few seconds later, I had to go back in for a pencil.

A few minutes later, I had to go back in for a book.

A while after that, I had to go back in to get my dictionary.

Eventually, when I was done (and felt tired enough to sleep), I headed back into the room at around 2 or 3.

And of course, made a lot of noise putting all my stuff away, setting my alarm, etc.

Then I laid down to sleep. And that was about when Michael got up.

First, he stood around the room for a while, huffing and puffing discontentedly.
Then, he left.
And came back.
And left.
And did this a few more times. More restless pacing than you could shake a stick at.

Eventually, he left for more than a few seconds, and when he came back, he finally went back to bed.

The next day, he was acting SERIOUSLY weird.
I walked into the room, which before now, has always been extremely tidy. The place was a mess. Laundry everywhere. I couldn't stifle an exclamation, before I noticed that Michael was actually in the room. He was sitting at his desk, with a youtube video running, with his forehead straight on the desk, looking like he was about to pass out, or be sick, or SOMETHING.

I asked if he was alright, and he wouldn't speak to me directly, just mumbled. He managed to communicate that he was fine, but he obviously wasn't.

He stayed like that for a while.

I left to go do something for a minute, and when I came back, the room was empty. I got to my desk and turned to sit down, and HE WAS IN THE EFFING CLOSET!

He was just sitting in there, on top of the dresser and under the shelf, huddled up in the corner, all pulled up together. I jumped, and shouted something, and asked him if he usually spends time in the closet. "No," he moanbled.
"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked .
"Super Genki," he replied. (Genki is Japanese for healthy and energetic)

He stayed in there for a while, just sitting there. Eventually, he left and slouched out of the room. When he came back in, he sat at his desk again for a while in about the same pose I found him, making unhappy and frustrated sounds for a while. Then he went BACK into the closet and partially shut himself back in.

He stayed there for at LEAST a half an hour.

I don't know what to make of it, guys. Maybe I'm paranoid, but I feel like he's trying to send me a message.

Or maybe he's just nucking futs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Am I going to have to go over there and stir things up?

Heh heh heh.

Maybe your speaking partner would like to go do something with you?
she would probably enjoy your company, and would know of what two people could do in the area, as well.