Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Alright, buddy. You just made my list.

I appear to have made an error in judgment.

I think I'm on someone's hit list.

Lemme back up a bit. There's a guy in my Japanese classes that basically reminds me of me back at Alabama. That is, he usually has no idea what's going on, and when he's called on he just mumbles answers until either he gets it right or the teacher gives up and tells him. In class, he goes by Alexander-san.

He also appears to be fairly socially... stunted. Another reason he reminds me o' meself.

So all in all, I usually feel kinda bad for him.

I also usually don't have any direct contact with him, since I usually sit on the opposite side of the room from him. But not today. Today, we were right side-by-side.

So naturally, when it came time to do partner work, we were paired together. It was our job to ask each other to go do stuff, and then come up with excuses not to.

When we were at the part where we'd do it aloud for the class, he decided to ask me to go see a movie. Now, the word for movie is "eiga." And the word for English is "Eigo." So naturally, they're pretty easy to confuse. And he did so.

And you know me. Always cracking the wise.

I couldn't resist asking, "Did you just ask me to go see English?"

It didn't seem to get much of a reaction from anyone, including Alexander-san, who just mumbled his correction.

Soon, it was time for class to be over. I was walking down the hall, when one of my classmates called my name. "Hey, *****. You're my new hero."
"Why?" I asked.
"'Did you just ask me to go see English with you?'"

Huh, I thought. I mean, it was funny, but it wasn't THAT funny.
"Thanks," I said, and chuckled.

I went down the stairs, and there I ran into another one of my classmates. She high-fived me, and started chanting "Who's afraid of Alexander-san! Not you!"

At this point I was a little perplexed.

That's when I found out that most of the people in that class are SCARED of him. Not in the "I'm gonna beat you up and take your lunchmoney" kind of way. The "Someday you'll see. You just keep pushing and pushing, and one day I'm going to bring a gun to school and show you ALL who's boss" kind of way...

Apparently, he's been known to talk about how he regrets that he wasn't able to bring his gun with him to school. And there's that shirt he always wears that says "Celebrate Diversity" on it, with rows and rows of different handguns.


If I've made it onto some kind of hit list, and end up getting shot by this guy...

In the words of Coach Z:

"I regret everything!"


Anonymous said...

Egads! First the crazy guy who hides in the closet and now this! Let us hope that, as your slight was a--ahem--slight one, you have not garnered much bile from crazy-ass gun guy, and thus would be pretty far down on his list of people to kill.

Or maybe even nutzoid people can have a sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

It's guys like him that give weapon enthuseasts(like me) a bad name, please remember that. Anyway, you ment to bring humor to the class, if he can't get that than he has a problem(obviously. And I can see why you're keeping a weather eye open. but if you want some added security; pull the same rutine on some one else you team with when they mess-up, if he has any sence he'll see that you weren't 'picking on him'.

Timzor said...

Yeah, crazy types all around. All in all, I'm not THAT worried. Because unless he has Yakuza connections, he'll have a very hard time finding a gun in this country.

And I'm also naive enough to believe in the realitive sanity and stability of most people.

Surely the others in class are making a big deal out of nothing...


And yeah, I joke around a lot, so maybe he knows it's nothing personal already. I hope.