Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Bumbling Gaitaku

"The strangest thing happened to me today."
"Yes, I saw this Gaijin Otaku."
"Eh? A Gaijin Otaku?"
"Yeah. He was a Gaijin, but dressed like an Otaku."
"That's pretty strange."
"Mm. But that's not the weird part."
"No. See, while he was walking down the stairs, he suddenly tripped and fell down them. It looked like he twisted his ankle, too."
"Ouch! That must have hurt."
"That's what I thought, but when he fell, he just started laughing and got back up!"
"Eh? Was he okay?"
"I asked him. He said yes, laughed again, and walked out with a big grin on his face."
"Gaijin are weird."

This inevitable conversation has been brought to you by the Bumbling Gaitaku (Gaijin Otaku).

It's only fair that I give the Japanese something to talk about while I'm here. After all, they give me PLENTY to talk about, most of it rather surreal.
For instance, this scene took place in an Anime Art Gallery. Where you can buy paintings of your favorite Evangelion character for a few thousand dollars a pop. That's dollars, folks. Not yen.

This was all part of yet another trip into Den Den Town. Lemme just break it up into a series of surreal moments.

Surreal Moment #1: Finding a six story store called "Super Kids Land" that had a floor of extremely realistic gun replicas and air pistols and two floors of risque anime figures.

Surreal Moment #2: Anime on LAZERDISC. [x] [x]

Surreal Moment #3: Finding Loony Tunes and Disney characters that look like they're ready to kick my ass.

Surreal Moment #4: This. Do I really need to say anything?
(Holy crap, I just noticed there's a glass of water in there in case she gets thirsty.)

Surreal Moment #5: This sign.

Surreal Moment #6: Seeing a Japanese business man in a suit and tie carefully pick up and scrutinize, from every angle, a box containing figures of pre-pubescent girls with removable skirts.

Surreal Moment #7: Seeing a Japanese person walk through the otaku district wearing a Lynyrd Skynyrd T-shirt.

And last but not least: Surreal Moment #8: The best thing I've ever ever seen, done, or eaten.

That's it for now. More news as it develops.



Anonymous said...

so you went back to Den Den town? There's alot I'd like to say... but I just don't feel like typing right now.

Timzor said...

Oh, come on. Don't leave me hanging, bro.

Anonymous said...

OK... you know you said you hadn't soicialized like you wanted, you may have even gone there thinking you socialize so wild that Japan would know what hit em... well that old lady knew exactly what hit her.

heh, my attempt at makeing a joke.